Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Feeling Like My Insides Are Falling Out

insurgency 2.0 - Citizens against aircraft noise

The civil protest in Germany where large projects goes into the next round. After the last few weeks hardly a day passes will not be reported to the dilemma of the Stuttgart "S21", stirs in Berlin the next protest movement. The new flight routes currently under construction be BBI, ensure disappointment and bewilderment in many Berlin citizens.

It must indeed be cautious with comparisons, especially having to see the situation worsening further in Stuttgart and now the federal government to the theme adopted, however, are striking similarities between the two citizen protests.
On 6 September, before the German Air Traffic Control (DFS), the new flight routes to Berlin and was similar in Stuttgart, an example of lack of and poor communication. Without consultation with politics, local government and citizens, the old routes were changed and the new, which are now strengthened through Berlin districts lead when presented for good. The exclusion of citizens from decision-making now may turn out to be a serious mistake.

Led by the political scientist Marela Bone-angle and Mathias Heller lawyer was set up after a short consultation in the neighborhood of a website, designed a logo and you had to set up a supra-regional and cross-party protest movement. The speed and professionalism has surprised even the initiators.

The supporters of the initiative feel deceived, because the new airport was planned for it to reduce traffic on Berlin. Many bought also land in the affected regions in the belief there not to be affected by aircraft noise.

The protest is now virtually built federally and has gained a remarkable degree of organization. Many of the cities and municipalities have established their own platforms (eg www.teltowgegenfluglaerm.de ) to protest and organize your effort to educate residents about the situation at your residence. This
collaborate with the national main platform www.kfberlin.de that drives a general protest against the affected routes.

on the website: "No flight routes to Berlin," may be signed against the new routes are given. The collection is virtual, not yet clear which is whether this sort of collection is also acknowledged in court. At the same time, therefore, petitions are circulating in the normal way. The initiative has many listeners, even within the first ten days they had over 10 000 visitors. About the Internet platform Twitter and Facebook daily updated news can be adjusted to keep the allies in the fight against the routes to date.
Without the new media and the "Mitmachweb 2.0" would be hard to imagine this process, especially when one considers how quickly and how low cost this Protest movement was launched.
Time is pressing for the initiative, since the routes have already been decided and a new debate is not actually provided. But with Stuttgart mind, do citizens make known their displeasure with the lack of participation and poor communication as possible and bring about a change.

links for citizen protests against flying routes: http://
www.wegmitflugrouten-kleinmachnow.de /
http:// www.fluglaerm-lichtenrade.de /
http:// www.teltowgegenfluglaerm.de /
http:// www.kfberlin.de


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