Sunday, January 16, 2011

Gas With Food Poisoning

Open-government: making documents relating to the recalculation of the Hartz-IV-rule sets related

The federal government plans, by 2013, an "open-government strategy for open governance" to work out. This is in the new government program "Integrated and transparent management", which the Federal Cabinet has approved in August 2010. Based on this support value objective, the question arises why, in a socio-politically important and timely debate on the new calculation of the Hartz-IIA-rule sets the reporting procedures are not publicly accessible.

The Federal Constitutional Court is known to have given the lawmakers a recalculation of the Hartz-IV-rule sets a transparent and comprehensible method for determining the standard rates required. The necessary data for calculating material created by the Federal Statistical Office on the basis of population and consumption static. Here, the spending was out of the bottom 15 percent of income recipients based. The Ministry has published the results in support of the bill. In conciliation, the Department but now the complete data package including the raw data only the opposition but not the public. Including the evaluation of this calculation by the Federal Ministry of Labour, the report includes 900 pages.

is now the subject of the dispute between federal and state / government and opposition become. The opposition wants the state services are not available to about 4.8 million adult Hartz IV recipients is significantly higher than planned by the government. A few days ago the German County Association has found that the proportions for hot water costs are not included in the rule set more and therefore the accommodation costs will be added, which would mean additional costs for the municipalities in the amount of 400 million €. So there is demand needs.

The report on the recalculation is not yet publicly available. Why not? Are there reasons that militate against the publication of that work on the Internet?

federal, state and local in September 2010 and together decided on a national e-government strategy, which is marked on the aim of open government. It goes on the strategy that in 2015 reached the German e-government a top European court, because it ensures include transparency about data and governance and data protection. How can this be, if we are in 2011 dealing with transparency still so difficult?


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