Monday, February 21, 2011

Acrostic Poem For Twilight About The Book

21 - 28 second 2011
under the Northern Zodiac
and the Northern Königskonjunktionen
of the four elements fire , earth, air and
water from the years 1603 , 1802 , 1980 and 1305
(click to enlarge)

The constellation of the week

2 - 9 ° ° sun in Pisces, the heart pregnant with the child of the world.

28.4 ° - 11.3 ° Mercury, the brain of Aquarius, the fool as the awakened people to trust in some miracle of God.

11.2 ° - 19.3 ° Venus in Capricorn
Court of greed and vice

28.4 ° - 3.9 ° Mars's anger, from Aquarius into Pisces, from the Amount of thought into the depth of feeling from the male to female

5.9 to 7.5 · Jupiter in Aries, sons in departure but also the appearance of reconciliation in the form of the rounds.

16.7 ° - 16.3 ° Saturn in Libra, the morals police separating public and private spheres

28.6 ° - 28.9 ° Uranus in Pisces, the man recovered with the children.

28.3 ° - 28.5 ° Neptune still in Aquarius, children outdoors.

6.7 ° - 6.9 ° Pluto in Capricorn, the immortal souls in the Fathers

event: Today Monday

Association of Mars, Mercury and Neptune in height at 28 ° Aquarius, in the spirit of the Incarnation, or, as a demonic variant - air collisions in the cloud.

King transits

still wanders night on the old Mercury Mars green, the lighting at 0.3 ° fish in the water element in the souls of the living and the dead one morning light .

On Wednesday follows Mars, anger, and primer of the present, its beam
uniting with the green ray of the virtual Mars so, so as resonant two beginnings, two door openings do occur in the trust.

and 1.1 ° more waiting in the fish to 1.4 °, the "home-on - the - earth," the moon of the earth element of association with Mercury - tomorrow, Tuesday, and with Mars at Thursday.
Finally waits to 6.8 ° Pisces: Pluto of the earth element - in the perfect complement to the opposition with "Firestarter", the red on Neptune 6.8 ° Virgo, there thus the ancestors of the present waiting along with the unborn offspring of the presence of the visitors from the present:
who are there on Friday the sun and Mercury, heart and brain, in this God of the generations, Pluto, with Mars and visit follows association next week.


As can be seen here: Mundanomaniac Astrologenart humanized by the zodiac signs, the lights and planets.
Allen has given up the astrologers. However
after the image of the "big man" - Anthropos - the - hence the humility - can be born only as a small man. In the fairy tale shows the humility, evident for the child's soul, true-hearted in the characters. They are "simpleton" and Sterntaler in its modesty towards God's creatures, plants, animals and the suffering, to be increased at the end.
This paradox we can not leave: only on a small scale by the large enough space.
ie: only the "modest" and can be done by watching, but the feeling is the concentration of healing in the world.
The promise of fish
is their brothers and Zodiac Zodiac sisters: Trust is the womb of God but to trust in God alone leads to the living doubt.

Filed: 02/21/2011, 14:25 UTC, posted: 14:38 UTC.


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