Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How Do People With Big Boobs Sleep Comfortably

Paul Naschy - the Lon Chaney Spain

The werewolf-ended in the following years, a modest existence in a more or less well-made, mostly cheap manufactured films.

A man who wholeheartedly to the myth had ordered the man wolf was Paul Naschy 6th September 1934 - 30 November 2009 Naschy whose real name was Jacinto Molina Álvarez and was a trades and jack of all trades in the best sense of the word. Naschy drew cartoons and wrote under the pseudonym Jack Mills dime novels, he was a boxer, footballer, weightlifters and bodybuilders. He was also Location Scout, Production and assistant director, and much more, until he in 1968 the role of his life, werewolf Waldemar Daninsky that of which he embodied in a dozen films, and the speak to his alter ego was.

Naschy had written some years before, under his real name of a script into a werewolf movie, but in Spain, no one was interested in it. Naschy persisted. After he had finally found donors, he slipped in the absence of a main character like himself into werewolf costume and the role of the unfortunate werewolf Waldemar Daninsky. "La Marca del Hombre Lobo" was developed not only in Spain but also internationally to box office hit and was followed in the next few years a whole series that Naschy just the title of "Lon Chaney Spain" brought in also played He and other classic horror roles, and he should be the only actor to all the classic horror figures - to have played - Dracula, Frankenstein's monster, even Dr. Fu Manchu, the Mummy and the Werewolf.

In Spain, he enjoyed immense popularity, even a street named after him.

2001 he was the English King Juan Carlos with the Gold Medal of the Arts award for his lifetime achievements. Although the Paul Naschy werewolf image conveyed by the mainly Beauties, Beasts, Breasts & Blood turned to late seventies he ruled over the controversial field.


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