Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Is It Ok To Tan Before Brazilian Wax

Window to freedom is open

01/02/2011 15:00, meanwhile, has one of the largest crowds that ever flowed together, gathered in Cairo.
announced an hour before Al - Jazeera:
[14.04 Clock] corrected the Arabic news channel al-Jazeera, the number of protesters to the top. Meanwhile, in the Tahrir Square and near two million people were on their way.

History knows few similar huge mass protests

The so-called Muharram protests culminated in a mass demonstration with over 2 million subscribers around the Freedom Tower in Tehran on 2 December 1978. The angry crowd demanded the withdrawal of the Shah and the return of Ayatollah Khomeini.
The Iranian revolution took place in a totally different celestial weather situation. " The characteristic feature of a revolution by a Muslim population can best be taken by the competent Septar the Königskonjunktion in the water - element - responsible for the feeling - capture, because the religious dynamics in the psyche takes on the level of feeling. If it with the consent of the people establishing a theocracy - a theocracy - is, then the Scorpio psyche swayed by his ruler, the distant, small, yet emotionally powerful Pluto.
Khomeini called on 1.4. In 1979, the Islamic Republic.

Königskonjunktion in the water element of 1305
97th Septar from 24.12. 1401, 19:16 UTC on Tehran
for 1977-1984

So Cairo is not Tehran, there is no Egyptian Khomeini, but a Mohammed el - Baradei, a cultured scientist who until last year General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), that is, uranium (us) . - Matters very familiar
The current constellation of sun, Mars, Neptune and Mercury, from Thursday under the banner of revolution, which is the sign of the people is: Aquarius .

But that's the least. The current Septar the Königskonjunktionen gather at the moment:

  1. Fire Element: Venus conjunction Uranus ;
  2. Earth Element: Mars, Moon Jupiter conjunction Uranus in Aquarius ;
  3. Air Element: Mercury conjunction Uranus ;
  4. water element: Sun conjunction Uranus .
Finally, the current equinox to Cairo, and there is no exception: Sun conjunction Uranus , Mercury square Pluto, Saturn opposition.

here again to document the above charts (click to enlarge all through). For better orientation, the currently prevailing character with the color orange Uranus (according Döbereiner) marks. Their rulers are either Uranus directly or those which are caused by constellation Uranus :

Königskonjunktion element in the fire of 1603
59th Valid Septar of 12/17/1661, 8:45 UTC on Cairo
for 2009-201 6

Königskonjunktion in the earth element
30th Septar, 07.17.1831, 22:37 UTC
for Cairo from 2005 to 2012

Königskonjunktion element in the air from 1980
5th 31/12/1984 20:36 UTC Septar from Cairo to
Valid for 2008 - 2015

Königskonjunktion in the water element of 1305
one hundred and first Valid from Septar 12/24/1405, 19:03 UTC to Cairo
for 2006-2013

equinox 2010/2011
20.3.2010, 17:33 UTC , Cairo

It has the chance simultaneity of these unlikely in the Near East a window for the all-powerful Freedom, for the Incarnation, appeared with the expected no politician ever has. It is far identified, which Arab regimes in three months, still exists. The situation is unique and twenty degrees of longitude east, in Tehran, but lack the Septar Königskonjunktion the air element that is out of line, at full speed, all other three Septar the equinox and still show Tehran as the location of the triggered Uranus, the awakened people to.

Aman Today reports that the Jordanian king has dismissed the entire government ...

By the way, including in Europe, the triggered Uranus has at present - if he has in societies with democratic freedoms, its main political thrust develops historically been achieved and the individuals it in individual outbreaks, acts of creation and origins can.

Filed 02/01/2011, 16:20 UTC, posted UTC 16:42.


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