12/05/1971, Karl-Theodor (KT) to Guttenberg
transits to the opposition Saturn - Neptune
Saturn - Neptune
The conditions of each half of the 1971/72er is the opposition of Saturn Neptune.
Saturn Neptune connects spoken standard orchestra, two instruments in one song: the hammer of a judge and the rattle of the child. How much of this
1971/72er was and is KT faced the problem of how to build a person with these two factors.
That is the "childlike" king, is indeed a "child" Neptune + = "head" = Saturn. This means that paternal power, which is not yet in time.
other words, Saturn + Neptune = Child + head. Child's head thus.
Now has a proud family to a child's head get down into the nest in 1971 and did not know how it happened. A child in the great representation (twins) the role as a father but that he "may" not the Father, he can "only" play.
"Only"? Since a sense of life as would be found as an actor. But, built and bred to high "and from" with freiherrlichem privilege as a humble actor in God's hands?
this - the deepest depth of truth - as Neptune - and the highest level of determination - as Saturn - that something can indeed just such a measure a human head and wonder of a child in the auditions of unnamed truths a healer of "humanity" be. And it ranges from a neighborhood, a neighborhood - it need not be the kingdom. The "whole country" is just the expression of the myth, a parable. But in order to experience the kingdom to all the benevolent measure of fate, we must find it in the neighborhood.
get the people in revolution: Kingship in the neighborhood.
If now, everyone wants to top, in the construction of the Saturn person, = the authority, will be presented, the "rattle" of Neptune, however, the whole truth, the game child is hidden, given with the ambition of the fiery sun / Jupiter / Mars the "Great Man", "father", but not on stage but in real life, then moved as a person and all their peers move on an inclined plane. The crash of the amount, the bankruptcy, the moment of truth is certain, whenever the Saturn-Neptune is currently in the horoscope of the person concerned.
And with the fall of the son's parents and ancestors are addressed with. The decision of the Saturn decides on access of everyone to the truth of God is eternal and sometimes the spirit of real kings child needs in the quarters of the people.
All those of us that we Saturn + Neptune in the main resonance (conjunction, opposition, square) combined in the chart, we guard against the virus of Guttenberg-deception in the simulated value.
The court of Saturn seen on worthlessness, where attention has been usurped, namely where to rest after the Zodiac highest value, highest integrity measuring and judging: in Capricorn / Saturn, the head why. probably say: "The fish begins to stink at the head"?
order value will be comprehensible astrological question, namely in astrological terms, has a bit of thought her work.
value requires a function that evaluates.
CG Jung defines and describes the evaluative function in the human psyche in his work. "Psychological Types he distinguishes as four" orientation functions ": two perceptual functions and two judgment function
. Think
. Think
As feeling he calls "the one psychological function, which provides a physical stimulus of perception."
The thinking is with him "the one psychological function, which, in accordance with its laws, . Given ideational content in (conceptual) connection brings "
The feeling judged on the value, so if you want to be approaching what is perceived in itself as I
The recorded intuiting finally -. These are now my words - the arrow comes from the future, something covered by the future of this perceived, what is possible in that relative in time and space are the psyche
So, here from my memory, the theory of CG. Jung regards the four Orientierungsffunktionen, read in "Psychological Types", Collected Works 6, a Work that astrology has to say.
Astrology is different now after two sexes and four elements and shares the latter depending on a compass. addressed
as "cardinal" signs are those signs of the zodiac, which is given as the first sign of a respective zodiac district to decide whether something will be executed in their neighborhood or in its corresponding element. It then created the following elements of domination analogies: fire sign Aries is the cardinal is the entrance to the zodiac as the spring of the year is the entrance to the nature.
The four squares, so ...
or so
And, back to CG Jung,
And because ... we are complementary in two sexes must meet the opposite sex half the counter type, which would explain why the woman in the man the myth (Savior) is looking for the man and woman in the body (womb).
For if Adam had before Eve, the female then this analogy:
Accordingly, the female would feel the heavenly valued function or, more metaphysically "divine," while the male has the feeling mental value function held in which the "water" of the cancer will decide whether to man it a woman, or to do with the bride. What
says that now in view of the constellation of 5.12.1971 and how the value function will appear as disturbed, which is obviously the case.?
In astrology is known to distinguish more accurately than does the psychology of CG Jung.
If we go beyond the four (elements) as Classification system for the whole, then we have the zodiac, the 12 (characters).
If in the "four" the element water, the parable of "value", then we have the "Twelver" three times water = three times standings.
We have also:
cancer = point + Feel
Scorpio = value + value + = intuiting
fish thinking
Scorpio = value + value + = intuiting
fish thinking
In the case of KT, the exact moon position not value + feeling, , known to be found anywhere other half moon cancer and says he is in his self-esteem at home more ... We are not at this point at.
to Pluto, value + intuition, some things stood in the last post.
to Neptune now value + thinking, there's Saturn-Neptune opposition cause for reflection and for him and his vintage. What covers the moon, I feel for an individual that Neptune captured for the entire collective sense of the totality of all creatures.
The following illustration shows again KT's chart with transits of the square resonance to its Saturn-Neptune opposition is the agony of the improvements in the past few days through to today:
05/12/1971, transits end of February 2011
Mind you, this Transit - Constellation has not only KT, but all have born the second half of 1971 and the first half of 1972 in the Last week witnessed. And the end of March will be the responsibilities of the Venus, as there are ownership and relationship, in the courts of Saturn - Neptune negotiated, as it is resolved, which is not honest.
follows For comparison, a small documentation of the processes during transit - days from Wikipaedia.
On the morning of 21 February 2011, Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters at a later from many sharply criticized the clear wording that they would also in the possible case of withdrawal of a doctoral degree in Guttenberg to keep as a minister: "I have no scientific assistant or a doctoral or a holder of a doctorate called, but I am concerned with the work as defense minister. Which he fulfilled perfectly, and that is what counts for me. "[82] In the afternoon released the Wiki GuttenPlag an interim report. At 271 pages of the thesis plagiarized passages were found. This had a total of 21.5 percent of the doctoral thesis as plagiarism identified. [83] evening Guttenberg acknowledged during a CDU election campaign "grave mistake" and announced that he would lead his doctorate not more permanent. [84] [85] He stated that he had "possibly involving a or other place where one point or another too much, also partially lost track of the sources. He also said: "I do not have these errors made aware, I misled not knowingly or intentionally in any way." [86] Guttenberg asked the University of Bayreuth to take back his doctoral degree [87] [88] to resign as defense minister concluded. Guttenberg from. [84]
called Seventy faculty of the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich on 22 February 2011 the Bavarian Minister of Science Wolfgang Heubisch in an open letter to counter the impression that it was the behavior of Guttenberg's "a minor offense such as illegal parking [...] that in the scientific enterprise everywhere is customary" and the discussion just a "smear campaign" or just a "politically motivated attack from far left." [119].
media reports reported from 23 February 2011 a grant of the University of Bayreuth by Rhon-Klinikum AG for a period out as Guttenberg belonged as a representative of his about a quarter of the shares owning family to the supervisory board of the company and simultaneously studied at the University or doctorate: following a 1998 contract with the Free State of Bavaria cooperation agreement, the Rhön-Klinikum AG to the Foundation of a Chair graduated from medical management and health sciences at the Faculty of Law and Economics, at the Guttenberg his state examination as well as his doctorate degree. Between 1999 and 2006, the company turned this around 750,000 euros. [126] The university confirmed the initial financing, but denied that it was to handle sponsorship. [127] [128].
Since 24 February 2011 to collect some students on an Internet platform signatures for an open letter to Chancellor Angela Merkel. They had the impression that the Chancellor try with all their might to keep a minister who, despite massive evidence to the contrary still receives the claim maintained that he had not deliberately misled in his doctoral thesis. In your opinion, damaged the Federal Government and the deputies of the coalition not only themselves, but much more. By 28 February signed a total of more than 30,000 graduate students, postdocs and supporters. [129] [130] The President of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Matthias Kleiner, has also warned of the trivialization of plagiarism. "Researchers present their ideas and knowledge share and lead them, often jointly, more. But they do not steal. "[131]
25.2. On 25
February 2011 announced the web project GuttenPlag Wiki that further work Guttenberg in 2004 for the CSU-contained near Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, entitled "Relations between Turkey and the EU" passages that are almost unchanged and without Quote indication of a strategy paper of the European Commission of 5 November 2003 were accepted. [132]
In a Spiegel interview, criticized the Secretary General of the International Human Frontier Science Organization (HFSPO), Ernst-Ludwig Winnacker, the behavior of Guttenberg and the trivialization of his deeds. "We scientists can anyone locked up that only a judge can," said Winnacker, "but the punishment of science is that you forever at the starting post." "People who do such things are done in science." [ 133]
The President of the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina, Jörg Hacker, said "dishonest approach to writing scientific papers is an act that lacks respect for science and its fundamental principles." [134]
26.2. On 26
February 2011 called for about 400 people in a short demonstration announced the resignation of Guttenberg. The demonstration moved from Berlin's Potsdamer Platz to the Ministry of Defence. There, they left behind the fence of the site of old shoes in allusion to this form of protest in the Arab world and as a symbol of lack of footnotes. The demonstrators came in a call to action of the blogger and the Chaos Computer Club spokesman Frank Rieger. [157] [15 "
01/03/2011 resignation.
And the Chancellor ...
07.17.1954, 17:57 GMT
... and the pragmatism of the Sagittarius ascendant.
But not in a year like this ...
equinox 20.3.2010, UTC 1733, in Berlin
Berlin is only 1.6 ° from the central place of honesty on the northern hemisphere for the year 2010/11 to 1.4 ° Libra, the location of Saturn. Since only a pragmatic means addressing the issue of decency almost the worst possible mistake a politician.
The reign of the young women - Mercury in the last month of Septar the resonances of Saturn / Uranus / Pluto are mitausgelöst, to Sun. It is about fundamental questions (Saturn) to questions of the new "morality" (Uranus) and issues of intellectual heritage (Pluto). Here's the pragmatism of the twins, the awareness of Sagittarius is - Ascendant, overwhelmed.
Everything has its place and time, but, Alleluia! a second time set by the demagogy of the BILD-Zeitung on a Bavarian Minister of Defence and a second time it has fallen on my ass. Praise be to the post-war society in the German democracy.
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